2025 First Steam Passenger Train £2 Brilliant Uncirculated Coin
This £2 coin commemorates 200 years since the very first steam passenger train journey. On September 27, 1825, George Stephenson’s Locomotion No. 1 made history by carrying hundreds of passengers across 26 miles—from Shildon to Stockton—launching a journey that would shape the modern world.
Since Locomotion 1’s inaugural journey, rail travel has undergone huge technological and engineering advancements, transforming every aspect of life including tourism, trade, post and even football.
This £2 coin commemorates that ground breaking moment in 1825, with a design featuring Locomotion Number 1 in action, packed with excited passengers and the inscription ‘The Journey that changed the world’, along with the years 1825-2025.
2025 First Steam Passenger Train £2 Brilliant Uncirculated Coin Mintage: Not in general circulation